Sunday, March 2, 2014

TOW #20 Thin Mints Box

                It’s Girl Scout cookie season! That means that little girls in vests dazzled with badges will be out in full force selling boxes of cookies. Girl Scouts have been around for over one hundred years, and have grown into an organization that is most famous for their cookies. In reality out of the four dollars that a box of cookies cost each troop on makes 25 cents for themselves. Thin Mints are the fan favorite that are usually guaranteed to sell out at any booth. The box itself, which protects the delicious crispy chocolate
wafers dipped in a mint chocolaty coating, has its own purposes. The Thin Mints box is designed to draw in potential customers and also encourage girls to join the Girl Scouts. It is hard to not a Thin Mints box, with its bright green that screams at people passing by a cookie booth. The color of the box itself is what really can sell people. Green is a color that evokes a calm soothing serene emotion. For the select few who are not already familiar with the Girl Scout brand it is a box that is easy to gravitate towards. Once people buy a box it is the visual images that can convince people to join the Girl Scouts. On the cover of the box there is an image of three girls doing a community service project and they are all smiling appearing to have a good time. While people are eating their delicious Thin Mints and feeling good they see the cover of the box and want to join the organization. The Girl Scouts on a whole have to rely on the Girl Scout cookie sale to market their brand.  By having happy images on the box the Girl Scouts can kill two birds with one stone they can make money on the cookies and also entice more girls to join and thus make more money. In my own opinion the Thin Mints box achieves its purpose. I feel like the Girl Scouts know what they are doing and have their strategy down. The Girl Scouts aren’t going away any time soon

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